Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Jared Stern and The Search For a Decent Blog

Hey there 'Redheads... Did everyone have a beer and barbecue sauce drenched Memorial Day weekend? Did your moment of silence happen when you passed out? Way to be. Mine was full of various types of booze, meat, and brightly colored distractions on consecutive nights. I am beat. And the hits just keep coming. On Wednesday night, I'm competing in the Drafthouse Comedy Challenge, matching wits with the likes of Larry Poon, Sean Gabbert, and Tyler Sonnichsen. After that dream gets crushed, I hop in the car and make the 3 or so hour drive to Atlantic City to tangle in the Junkies Poker Open at the Borgata, which starts at 10am on Thursday. Sleep? Pshaw.

Ok, a couple quick hits from my weekend, then I'm going to put a face print and a drool mark in the shape of the Virgin Mary on my pillow. Saturday, I found out, was the birthday of the Godfather of Soul, James Brown. As a tribute, jazz station WPFW played all James Brown all day. From the classics to Eddie Murphy doing "Hot Tub". I also discovered this little gem. James Brown and Pavarotti singing "It's A Man's World". Check it out...

If you didn't enjoy that on some level, we can't be friends anymore. It's a toss up as to who's easier to understand.

On Sunday, I took my first trip out to the new Nationals ballpark. Impressive. It's a damn shame that DC fans could give a shit about the team. The place was damn near full and it was quiet. They must've recalibrated the digital NOISE-METER to register a dull murmur, because I could hear individual coughs. But, better to hear the players' chosen theme songs. The one curious choice was that of Nationals pitcher, Tim Redding. When he stepped onto the mound, it was to "One" by Metallica. Picture it: a gorgeous spring afternoon on Memorial Day Sunday, you and the kids have your peanuts and cracker jacks, you sit down to watch America's pastime, and this is what's blaring through the PA...

I cant remember anything
Cant tell if this is true or dream
Deep down inside I feel to scream
This terrible silence stops me

Now that the war is through with me
I'm waking up I can not see
That there is not much left of me
Nothing is real but pain now

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please god, wake me

And it wasn't even the hard-driving, pump-you-up, part of the song. Just a bit odd. Oh, as a side note about baseball, I'm a huge fan of sports in HD. When you can count the blades of grass on the field, that's cool. Do we have to see sports-casters in HD? These people were not meant to have every flaw on their faces etched out in vivid detail. I saw ESPN's Peter Gammons doing a pre-game last week in HD. He looked like he chose the wrong grail. I swore there was a puppeteer from Jim Henson's creature shop operating his mouth. His face was so creased, he looked like human origami. Slather some vaseline on the lens and spare us looking into the face of death. Just sayin' is all...

After the game, I went to see the much anticipated Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Let me go ahead and put up the requisite warning **SPOILER ALERT** lest ye read further and find out that Indiana Jones is dead throughout the movie. I did not like this movie. I enjoyed some of the Speilbergian frenetic chase sequences, but that does not a decent movie make. I thought it needlessly leaned on the three previous and superior films. It was a two and a half hour nod and wink to everyone who grew up with those movies, rather than trying to stand alone. Everything had been done before and better, either in the Indiana Jones series, or The Mummy movies, or even National Treasure. I knew George Lucas had lost his ability to tell stories on the screen, but I was sorry to see that he rubbed off on Speilberg. There's a key rule in cinematic story-telling: Show me, don't tell me. In the previous three movies, to some degree or another, the opening sequence served as a way to set up the relationships between Beloq, Short Round, or Indy's father and Indy to give you a context for the future interactions. None of that in this movie. We just have to take it for granted that Indy's friend turning on him in the first 5 minutes is a big deal. It made it tough to care. The other thing that was lacking was any sort of dynamic villainy. God bless Cate Blanchett for trying, but very little was done to make the bad guy Rooskies worth caring about. When they get their inevitable comeuppance, again...meh. Don't get me started on Shia LeBouf. Going into this, I was heartened that what I'd read and seen seemed to indicate that he wasn't going to be Indy's son. So much for that. Turns out, yeah, he's Indy's kid. Boo. Hiss. If they try to continue the franchise with him, I'm fencing off the condo, putting up a flag, and seceding. To sum up, I was hoping against hope that the movie would end with Indy waking up from the black sleep of the Kali Ma...all just a mediocre dream.

The balcony is closed. I'm going to bed.

To be continued...

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sit In My Lapse...

Hey there 'Redheads... Well, it's official. After a valiant two-weekish effort, JOKE/BIT/PREMISE/TAG-A-DAY IN MAY is dead. A week between installments kinda defeats the whole daily thing. Great timing too. The stunt-blogging gets a mention on DCStandup.com, then I decide to let it stagnate. I have the follow through of a thalidomide baby's golf swing. I think I got a couple decent comedy nuggets out of the enterprise. As my inevitable apology, I offer you a piping hot batch of cutie pie...

...now that I've reduced you to a puddle of goo, let's get this installment rolling, shall we?

Now for some horn tootage. Tuesday night, I won a poker tournament. I made my way through a field of 80 fellow degenerate Texas Hold 'Em players and won a buy-in to a tournament at the Borgata in Atlantic City next week. The top prize is in the neighborhood of $30,000. I hope to trick or treat through that neighborhood. That kind of money almost makes it worth it to visit Atlantic City. That place is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. One place I have to make sure I stop by on the way up...the HQ of Spencer's Gifts. I need to take that tour.

A big thanks to Matt, Tonia, Jeanne, and the rest of the groovy staff at LOL Comedy Club in Clayton, NC for a great weekend. The crowds were small (some shows, they felt more like drunk focus groups) but fun. I got a chance to work with the round mound of profound, Mo Alexander.
Here we are, filling a quota...

Comics in Clayton luxuriate in the lavish accommodations of Jeanne's house. Which has a 60-inch big screen TV...that can vote, it's so old. It's one of those rear projection jobs. This one takes about a half an hour before it warms up and holds a steady picture. Oh, and the cable wasn't working. You haven't seen scrambled snow, until you've seen it on a big screen. I felt like Carol Anne from Poltergeist. And the feature's room is pink. Pepto Bismol pink.

While we were tooling around Clayton, Mo and I stopped at a local drive-thru bbq joint, Smithfield BBQ. We pulled up to the menu to check out the bill of fare, when the lady behind the speaker popped on to take our order. We had no idea what we wanted, so we asked her what was good. She said everything was good. We weren't satisfied with what seemed like the company line, but she backed up her statement with, "I'm a 200 pound woman. I know about good barbecue." She was right. The bbq and cole slaw sandwich was pork-tastic.
The last night in the house, Mo, Jeanne, and I were lounging on the couches in the den, discussing various mysteries of life. The conversation turned to religion, then turned into me answering questions about Jewish stuff. Jeanne then asks the loaded question, "Can I ask you something without offending you?" Well now she had to, regardless of the outcome, "Go ahead," I said. I prepared to clear up some misconception about bar mitzvahs or having sex through a hole in a sheet. The question she chose was, "Are you really cheap?" WHA?? That was her burning question. Am I a stereotype. It was like asking Mo, "What's your stance on grape soda? For or against?" I thanked her for the new material then, after she went to bed, I took this picture with her camera...

No promises on the next bit of bloggage, but I'm gonna try not to veer too far off the path of regular updates.

To be continued...

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Minor Hiccup

Hey there, 'Redheads... Just a quick note to let you know that my computer access is limited here in beautiful Clayton, NC. A super-terrific-jumbo installment awaits you on Monday...or Tuesday.

'Til then...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

J/B/P/T-A-DAY IN MAY 14: Almost over...

Hey there, 'Redheads... I hope you all had a heck of a hump day. Mine was long. I woke up an extra hour and a half earlier than I usually do, so I could take my truck in for service. Then work was way busier than usual. Oy vey, I say. But, here I am, in front of my glowing monitor...for you.

I'm super-psyched, because tomorrow I hit the road for a four night slate of shows in North Carolina. I'll be at the LOL Comedy Club in Clayton (just outside of Raleigh) with headliner, Mo Alexander. If you find yourself on tobacco road this weekend, come check out a show. Say hi. We'll hang.

It's been two weeks of this veiled attempt to throw some comedy pasta on the refrigerator door to see what sticks known as, JOKE/BIT/PREMISE/TAG-A-DAY IN MAY. Where has the time gone? No really, I'm never going to get that back. Here's today's bit of dynamite hack...

Since I've been trying to strike it rich playing the lottery, I've been using the numbers on the back of some of my favorite Chinese food fortunes in my collection. Here's one I'll share...

Our first and last love is...Self-love.

That's a masturbation fortune cookie. No need to add "in bed". I just wish that the one time that a cookie correctly predicted my immediate future, it could've been something a bit more helpful.

See you on Thursday...

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

J/B/P/T-A-DAY IN MAY 13: Nice shoes...

Hey there 'Redheads... Lucky number 13 in this month long series of crap-tacular comedy. Thanks to all you gluttons for punishment, who keep coming back only to find that, no, it hasn't gotten any better. Keep holding out hope. For this installment of JOKE/BIT/PREMISE/TAG-A-DAY IN MAY I give you a small slice of my evening...

I just got back from an evening of high-falootin' beer and pizza at Pizzeria Paradiso in Georgetown. If you like beer that doesn't have "Lite" on the label, you should swing down there to partake of the suds for DC Beer Week. While I was waiting outside for my friends to arrive (the visible ones), taking in the lovely sun dressed scenery, I bore witness to a great bit of popped-collar douchery. There was a group of guys milling around outside the restaurant, figuring out where the next stop on their tour would be. A fetching blonde, who apparently knew one of them, came out to say hello. They tried to coax her into joining them at McFadden's. She said she really need to get something to eat and was about to head back in when one of the guys asked, "Do you like chicken?" She replied, "Yeah." Then the guy came back with, "Would you like a wing?," extending his elbow so she might take his arm. Then she went inside and the guys meandered down the road. As she went in, I said very audibly, "Would you like a wing?...whadda putz," and proceeded to giggle my ass off.

Really? That's your line? I don't claim to be a Don Juan, but that exchange was about as smooth as a slip n' slide in a gravel pit. What, you couldn't ask her is she was Jamaican, because she's ja-makin' you crazy?

And yet, I'm the one at home, blogging alone...

See ya Hump Day, ya humps...

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Monday, May 12, 2008

J/B/P/T-A-DAY IN MAY 12: Dozin'

Howdy, 'Redheads... Happy Monday to ye. I have to admit, I don't have much for you today. I was hoping I'd have super cute nephew pictures for you but, alas and alack, they aren't ready yet. I'm also drawing a blank in the jokey joke department. Fear not. I'm not running completely on empty. I'm prepared to give you the shirt off my back in this edition of JOKE/BIT/PREMISE/TAG-A-DAY IN MAY

Here are two t-shirt ideas that I've been kicking around:


And, if that wasn't enough hilarity for you...

Jesus Fucking Christ

Wow. Could that picture be any more perfect for what I needed? Google image search, you know what I like...

See ya Tuesday...

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

J/B/P/T-A-DAY IN MAY 11: Yo Mama

Hey there, 'Redheads... As promised, there was a slight hiccup in the daily blog streak. I was up in Philly for Mother's Day, chasing my impossibly cute nephew, Mo, around a playground. The little guy ran me ragged. Pictures are on the way. I'm hoping I'll be able to make it the next couple of days upright. Mo is a booger factory and he coughed in my face a couple of times. I'm not sure what kind of cootie concoction is brewing inside me. I'll either have super powers or be on death's door by Tuesday.

So, here's the reboot of JOKE/BIT/PREMISE/TAG-A-DAY IN MAY
It's a realization I came to after thinking about my bargain Sharper Image purchase in the last entry...

I finally understand the spend-money-to-save-money mindset. Check it out. The gaming chair I bought was marked down to $40 from $180. When I bought it, I saved $140. If I hadn't bought it, I only would've saved $40. There's a TV infomercial with a fast-talking Brit to be made.

See ya Monday...

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Friday, May 09, 2008

J/B/P/T-A-DAY IN MAY 9: Feelin' Fine..

Hey there 'Redheads... It's Friday night and I'm at home...blogging...in my underwear. The question is, who needs more help? Me for writing that or you for reading it. I was out and about earlier today, finishing up my Mother's Day shopping. I was at White Flint Mall and I saw a sign of the economic quagmire (giggity-giggity) the country is in. Sharper Image is going out of business. The whole place, down to the fixtures, was for sale for 80% off. There were slim pickings left over: a Star Wars poker chip set, a glow in the dark dog leash, an exercise contraption inspired by the Spanish Inquisition meant to reduce love handles. It's a wonder a purveyor of such necessities was going under. I did pick up something cool, though. A gaming chair that has speakers and a sub-woofer built in, for a more intense experience of sitting on your ass and getting carpal tunnel. The original asking price was $180. I got it for $40.

A quick note about my current consecutive blog streak. Unfortunately, it's going to stop at nine. I'm going up to Philly to visit my sister and nephew for Mother's Day. My computer access will be limited at best and I'll be happily distracted playing peek-a-boo and got-your-nose with the Mo-meister. So, in the meantime, feel free to look back over the first bit of bloggage and hit me up with any comments, candor, constructive criticism, or anything else that starts with "c" (it's good enough for me). I'll double things up on Sunday to pick up the slack and get this exercise in self-importance back on track. Just nod and smile...groovy.

So, time for number nine, oh so fine, of JOKE/BIT/PREMISE/TAG-A-DAY IN MAY
Sticking with the theme of economic free fall...

The economy is pretty bad right now, but it can get much worse. I can't wait to see a show like The Price Is Right in a couple years. There's one of your leading economic indicators. It's already a great way to track unemployment. Just look at the ratings. The more people out of work, the more people at home at 11:00 cheering the price of dish soap. But the real fun starts when the economy truly collapses. You'll see Drew Carey up there, "What's the bid on this $100 bill?" A peso and ten yen, Drew. Or, "What's the bid on this BRAND NEW CAR?" TWO CANS OF SOUP!! Instead of new cars, they'll just wheel out the full gas tanks.

Again, a fun jumping off point...any thoughts? Beuller?

See ya Sunday...

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Thursday, May 08, 2008

J/B/P/T-A-DAY IN MAY 8: Is it enough?

Hey there 'Redheads... It's been a long day. My bed is calling my name. The time between me hitting the "publish" button and my head hitting the pillow will be measured in seconds. So, let's get to the start of week 2 of JOKE/BIT/PREMISE/TAG-A-DAY IN MAY. As you can tell, I've upped the number of blogs on the page to seven. So, if you miss a day or three of this cavalcade of craptastic comedy, you can catch up and make your life whole again. Ok, onward and upward...

This goes with the Dr. Pepper premise from #6 which, for the sake of taking up more space, I'll reprint here...

We live in an age when everything can kill us. Phones, cigarettes, old age...life is a Star Trek episode, and we're the ensign with the red uniform on the away team with the bridge crew. There's one particular hazard that I think will be mankind's undoing. We created this monster for our enjoyment and it's only a matter of time before it destroys us. Diet Chocolate Cherry Dr. Pepper. This isn't a beverage, it's a run-on sentence. I hope Dr. Pepper is an oncologist, because this chemical cocktail is enough to grow tumors in sand.

This is hardly the first time that a soft drink has contained suspect ingredients. Cocaine used to be in Coca-Cola. They had to take it out, because it hurts like hell when you snort Coca-Cola through your nose. Have you ever done that? Ouchie. But making poison delicious is just what we do. A spoonful of sugar to help the cyanide go down. And if it's a choice between eating delicious poison or crappy health food, we generally pick the poison. I can understand why. We all suffer from the same terminal illness. Life has a 100% mortality rate, regardless of how much granola you eat. I sampled a health bar today that claimed it was "chocolate and peanut" flavor. This is a can't fail combination in cups and pieces, but when I bit into it, Reese rolled over in his grave (is he even dead?..well, he rolled over in his bed). Y'ever eat something so bad that it turns you into Robert DeNiro? (this would be a visual joke, but it would involve a hacky facial impression act-out) My body rejected it. I spat out a suicide note written by my taste buds. That was supposed to be good for me.

I think this might have a shot at working. I just have to un-muddle the message that I'm trying to get across.


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Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Hey there, 'Redheads... It's still the 7th for five more minutes, so this one counts. Whether it'll be worth counting is another issue (self-deprecation: check). I just got home from a great concert at the 9:30 Club. A Finnish heavy metal cello quartet by the name of Apocalyptica blew the roof off the joint. Do yourself a favor, click the link and give 'em a listen.

Ok...on with the jokey jokes. It's been a whole week of JOKE/BIT/PREMISE/TAG-A-DAY IN MAY and I'm pretty happy that I haven't let my usual layabout tendencies sink this ship just yet. However, in order to spread this joke jelly over a month long piece of toast, I gotta put my brain in neutral and fall back on the news of the day to fill the daily dose...

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The man who helped build the 31-flavor craze at ice cream store Baskin-Robbins has died at age 90. Irvine Robbins died Monday at his home in Rancho Mirage, Calif. Daughter Marsha Veit says he had been in ill for some time. Generations of kids trooped to Baskin-Robbins stores to buy ice cream flavors like Pralines 'n Cream, Daiquiri Ice and Pink Bubblegum. Robbins opened his first ice cream store in Glendale, Calif., in December 1945, following his discharge from the Army. Robbins offered 21 flavors at that store. His brother-in-law, the late Burton Baskin, opened his own ice cream store in neighboring Pasadena a year later. The two eventually joined forces.

This one will be a choose-your-own-punchline:

As a tribute, his remains will be cremated and mixed in with the jimmies...
Baskin-Robbins will introduce a 32nd flavor, Irvine's Open Casket Crunch...

'Til tomorrow...

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Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Howdy 'Redheads... Once again, I'm squeaking this one in under the wire to keep the streak alive at six. I have to admit, my noggin is going to have trouble squeezing out 10 of these, let alone 31. What 'm saying is, I'm open to suggestions...gimme a couple cliffs to jump off of.

Before I get to today's installment, I found something cool that I thought I'd share. I'm sure you're familiar with the Red t-shirts that The Gap hawks with proceeds going to charity. Stuff like inspi(red) or ado(red)...well, I'm pissed I didn't think of it first, but I found this in my internet travels yesterday...

I dig it, but I'm inherently biased. Anywho, let's see how much more funny juice I can squeeze from this tattered piece of Nerf I call a brain. Time once again for...

We live in an age when everything can kill us. Phones, cigarettes, old age...life is a Star Trek episode, and we're the ensign with the red uniform on the away team with the bridge crew. There's one particular hazard that I think will be mankind's undoing. We created this monster for our enjoyment and it's only a matter of time before it destroys us. Diet Chocolate Cherry Dr. Pepper. This isn't a beverage, it's a run-on sentence. I hope Dr. Pepper is an oncologist, because this chemical cocktail is enough to grow tumors in sand.

'Til tomorrow...

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Monday, May 05, 2008


Hola, 'Redheads... I hope had a tequila soaked Cinco de Mayo. I think a great product tie-in would be Hellmann's Cinco de Mayo. All the great taste of mayonnaise with a hint of lime. No, that doesn't count as the joke for this post. This one will be a quickie, though. My head hurts. So without further ado, here's the latest bit of dynamite hack in today's edition of...

In political ads, the candidates want you to vote for them, "for a brighter tomorrow." I don't want to vote for anyone that short-sighted.

Maybe the mayo joke was better...

See ya tomorrow...

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Sunday, May 04, 2008


Hey hey, 'Redheads... I hope everyone had a funday Sunday. I just got back from seeing Iron Man at the Uptown. This movie was great. There was nothing that usually detracts from my enjoyment of a super-hero origin story. The action didn't suffer for exposition's sake, but they didn't cut corners on character development either, there wasn't an over-reliance on CGI effects, and the flick is genuinely funny in spots. A hoot. Geeks will want to make sure they stay to the very end of the credits for a fun treat.

So, we're four days into May and I've already surpassed my blog load from April. I'm getting this one in just under the wire to keep my daily streak alive. Thanks to everyone who has given these a gander and offered some constructive feedback. I got some good ideas from comedy buddy, Mike Shader (there's your shout out...go google), that I'll share with you...

On your Jesus fish joke. The idea that some people who put a Jesus fish sticker on their car then decide that they can drive more like an asshole is a funny concept. I would not state it that the car "always has a Jesus sticker" since that's just not true but maybe make it into a classic Jared math joke. 5 cars out of 100 have Jesus fish stickers on them. Out of 100 cars that cut me off 10 of them have the sticker. Jesus is clearly a bad influence on people's driving habits. Or maybe there were caveats to his message "though shall be kind to others and respect their space.... unless its rush hour on the beltway and you are late for work... then cut the Jew off!"

Thanks Mike. That's one to grow on.

Ok, time now for the fourth installment of...

The lottery has crept back up to the triple-digit millions, so in the interest of financial planning, I'll be dropping a five spot on the American dream of obscene wealth without having to do anything. I think I have a shot this time. I'm going to steer the odds in my favor. I'm going to get a job at a meat recycling plant in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Then, me and the gals in the secretary pool will all put in a dollar and play the numbers of our grand-children's birthdays. I have to promise myself the when I win, I won't quit my job at the plant. It's a lead-pipe lock. The only thing that might stymie my plans is I'm not 65, but you're only as old as you feel...besides, my Wii fitness evaluation thinks I'm 71.

See ya on cinco...

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Saturday, May 03, 2008


Howdy 'Redheads... Oy vey, the pollen is kickin' my ass today. You can set a clock by my sneezing fits today. Speaking of clocks, I woke up this morning in a time warp. When I got in my car and turned on the radio, who did I hear blaring out the business end? The Greaseman. He's back on DC101 doing Saturday mornings, doing the same waddle-doodle shtick I grew up listening to in the late 80's and early 90's...

Oh, the magic of radio. Happy not to be pulling those rabbits out of my hat anymore.

Enough of that. To help put the turd in Saturday, it's time once again for
Where I foist my feeble hackery upon you, the ever tolerant populace. And away we go...

I think it's time for movies to stop using the phrase, "From the people who brought you..." to sell a flick to the movie-going public. Judd Apatow has had one or two critically acclaimed funny movies...and alot of people were involved in bringing them to you. So, now, every piece of celluloid that has anyone from those movies attached to it is, "from the people who brought you Super Bad and Knocked Up." Just because a gaffer from one of those flicks is holding the boom mic for the next one off the Apatow assembly line doesn't make it good. Remember, the people who brought you Star Wars also shoveled Howard The Duck into theaters. It reminds me of my mail man. The same person who brings me my Urkel toaster cozy that I bought on Ebay also brings me my bills. Joy and pain. Yin and yang. Starsky and Hutch.

I think that one has legs. Short, stubby, polio-ridden legs, but it's a start. Any thoughts?

See you Sunday...

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Friday, May 02, 2008


Happy Friday, 'Redheads... Wow, two of these in a row. Merely coincidence. For those of you with money on the line, the over/under for when I lapse on this lark is 5.

Sidenote: I'm pissed at myself today. For the whole week, in an effort to decrease my intake of unhealthy crap, I've sworn off soda and beer for water. I'm told this could help me drop a pound or two and make my insides less of a cauldron of filth. Well, after resisting temptation all week, I folded like a cheap card table and sucked down a vanilla Frosty Float from Wendy's. Delicious, yes...and evil.

And now, JOKE/BIT/PREMISE/TAG-A-DAY IN MAY... It comes to us from a friend on mine, who sent me this picture...

I originally thought this was a picture of her tattooed tummy. Turns out it's just a nutty picture she felt like sending. As you can see, the tattooee (Luke Skywalker's hometown) has turned the belly button into a monkey's butt hole. I have a rule that I try to live my life by, which is this: Never have more than one visible anus on your body at a time.

'Til tomorrow...

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Thursday, May 01, 2008


Okay 'Redheads... As promised, today starts JOKE/BIT/PREMISE/TAG-A-DAY IN MAY. Taking a jackhammer to my writer's block and passing it off as blog content. No promises on quality. This is about frequency and quantity. I'll sift through the crap and pan for gold afterward. Any feedback is appreciated. And away we go...

People always complain about getting cut off in traffic. Yeah, it's annoying, but can someone explain to me why the car that always cuts me off is the one with the Jesus fish on the bumper? I know you're looking forward to life in the hereafter, but let's stop trying to take me with you. They figure they've already been forgiven, so they treat it like a blank check for being an asshole. If you're born again, that's great, but I think you should have to wait 16 more years to get your driver's license...

Maybe I can tack that on to my "How Would Jesus Drive?" bumper sticker joke...

See ya tomorrow...

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