I have some problems with McCain, which are purely superficial, but that's how I roll. First, he says "Warshington". Learn to pronounce it first, then maybe we'll let you live there. Also, he whistles his esses when he talks...irks the everloving crap out of me. When I close my eyes, Obama sounds presidential...McCain sounds like a cartoon squirrel. And have you seen Cindy McCain? She creeps me right the fuck out.
Obviously, I couldn't use the pictures to illustrate Cindy McCain's inherent creepiness on stage, so I came up with this verbal substitute...
She looks like someone spackled the Crypt Keeper.
The audio is up on my MySpace page, if you'd like the audio book version. After the show, some friends and I adjourned to the nearby Melting Pot to go wade in a chocolate jacuzzi. Everything tastes better dipped in lukewarm chocolate. The table conversation drops off a bit when the dipping is going on. It gets limited to the phrases "Wow, this is delicious", "Holy crap this is good", and "Someone pull Jared's face out of the fondue pot." The fondue magic was sullied toward the end of the evening, when I looked down to see two cockroaches scurry across the floor...they were delicious. The conversation turned to city vermin which eventually led to rats. The following sentence was then uttered by a young lady at our table, "Let me tell you how disgusting rats are. So, I was taking a piss in this alley in Boston..." She kinda trailed off when the rest of the table stared at her with our heads tilted slightly. Take your time and let it sink in. While you're at it, riddle me this. What's wrong with this item...?

Make sure to congratulate this young couple. Apparently, they have a time machine on their gift registry.
Wells-Fargo recently bought ailing bank, Wachovia. They'll be opening a new bank called Well-Fachovia. I'll be here all week. Tip your waitstaff.
Here's one last bit of political video before we yank the levers on Tuesday...a blast from the roughly 8 years past...
Enjoy your 'ween...
Labels: Barack Obama, comedy, DC Improv, fondue, Jared Stern, jokes, McCain, Wachovia, Wells-Fargo