One of the Seven Greatest Blogs EVER
Hey, wanna see how dorks are handling the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina?
Click here.
One thing I've noticed in my short time blogging is that sarcasm, unless italicized or highlighted, doesn't translate well in print. Hyperbole, which is the single greatest figure of speech in the known universe, is one of the more subtle forms of sarcasm that's tough to noodle through at first glance. This makes for a sticky situation when we comedians make P.T. Barnum-esque claims to promote our shows and prostitute ourselves in general. In order to get the folk out of their houses and into our comedy venues, it's not uncommon to say things like... THIS SHOW WILL END WORLD HUNGER...or WE SO FUNNY WE MAKE YOU LAUGH LONG TIME. We gotta. Are you really going to come see a group of comics billed as ""? We're comics...exaggeration for the sake of effect is our bread and butter. It's our gift...our curse. But, with great power comes great responsibility, so we should be careful when we toss around the playful assertion that we're funnier than other people...especially when those other people are other comics...though you'd think we'd know better than to give half a rat's ass cheek. Simply put, those with glass egos shouldn't read blogs. No apologies necessary. Get over yourselves, people.
That being said, come to Wiseacre's tomorrow night for a fundraiser for hurricane victims...the GREATEST CAUSE EVER...that's heard me...suck it, cancer research.
To be continued...