Sunday, September 18, 2005

Newport News Is Good News...

Just got back from featuring at Cozzy's, a great little club in Newport News, VA. The crowds were good, if a touch chatty shall I put it...'necky. By the way, they're GIVING gas away in Newport News...$2.759/10 for regular...I filled up a couple super-size McDonalds cups that I'll be selling for $2.7510/10 on the Georgia Ave. beltway off-ramp. There's a fortune to be made in that extra tenth of a says Superman III. I killed my Saturday in Newport News at the local cineplex...I highly recommend the new Nicholas Cage vehicle, Lord of War. That's pretty much it for right now. I still haven't figured out the subtle art of blogging or what the hell I want this blog to be. In the meantime, I'll try to better crystallize my thoughts for the next entry... To be continued...


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