Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Prognostication, Baby...

Hey there, 'Redheads... I don't have a clever coherent framework for all of the crap I want to get to in this installment, so pardon me if today's batch of self-important blather seems a little scatter shot.

I hope everyone has let their livers sleep in a couple hours the last couple days to prepare for the all-day pickling it's going to get on St. Patrick's Day. St. Patrick was apparently the patron saint of blacking out and holding your hair while vomiting. I've reached that certain age when drinking for distance no longer does anything for me. Sure, I'll wear some green and kick a ginger, but you won't see me out at a bar wading through a sea of Guinness. That is ground zero for drunken douchebaggery. I'm Jewish, so I can't give up crap like that for Lent. The Jewish equivalent would be called Owed, I guess. I'm here all week. Try the fish fillet. But none of that matters, because everyone is Irish on St. Patty's Day. Even these guys...

I did a show up in Timonium, MD, which was named for the element on the periodic chart that conducts polite chuckling, on Sunday. I encountered the strangest form of heckling I've ever received. Towards the end of my set, a couple drunken Timoniites started growling and barking at me, just enough to throw me off my Swiss precision joke rhythm. I tried to ignore it, mostly because addressing it directly meant bringing everything to a screeching halt to deal with people who weren't going to care or understand what I had to say in response. Plus, on the off chance one of them genuinely had Tourette's, I didn't want to look like a dick. I made some lame joke about them eating kibble and shutting the fuck up. Did I mention I'm horrible with hecklers? So many better comebacks showed up late to my brain as I was driving home. "Y'ever see Old Yeller, asshole?" or "Howabout to go back to the bar and sniff your friend's ass?" or "Play dead." I just wanted to vent that out, because I'd never heard of anyone growling or barking at a comedian before.

I can't let that bother me, because it's the most wonderful time of the year. Tourney Time. The time when my productivity plummets (granted, it doesn't have far to fall) as I crunch all of the numbers, knowing that my brackets are going to be more brittle than Haiti's infrastructure. This year, just about anybody can take it. I'm hoping this is the year that a #16 seed beats a #1 seed. And I hope that #1 seed is Duke. So, just to get my picks on record, here are my picks to click for the NCAA Tournament...

-In the Midwest corner of the bracket, where my Terps reside, referred to as the "group of death", it's going to come down to the winner of Georgetown vs. Ohio St. I'm a homer, so I picked the Hoyas over the Buckeyes to get to the Final Four. I love my Terps, and I have them making a respectable run to the Sweet 16, but that's all.
-From the West region, I've got Syracuse in a cake walk to the Final Four as the only #1 seed to make it.
-Out of the East, where I have Cornell making it to the Sweet 16, I'll take Texas to reclaim the perch they got knocked off of early in the season and make it to the Final Four.
-In the South, where I have Duke losing in the second round to Louisville, I think Baylor makes it to the Final Four.
-So, Georgetown faces Syracuse for the fourth time this season with a shot at the national championship on the line and two Texas teams go at it on the other side of the bracket. I'll take Syracuse vs. Baylor for the championship. Go Orange. Now, look for Syracuse to lose to Vermont.

Let the games begin...

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hey there, 'Redheads... Spring is here. I know this because I saw one of the first signs of Spring...bird crap on my car. I'm glad you stopped by. The weather has been pretty great lately, so I realize you've been spending less time cooped up indoors in front of the warm glow of your computer screen. But none of us can ignore the digital siren song of distraction for long, calling to us with witty status updates, links to shiny videos, or the gently whispered promise of fleeting friendship. We all crave pupil dilation and rapid eye movement and the sun can only provide so much. You've seen one beautiful Spring day, you've pretty much seen 'em all, but how often do you see crap like this...?
This has gotta be among the ten nominated flicks for Best Picture next year...or at least Best Documentary. I have to admit, I watched maybe 5 minutes of the Oscars before my brain started blinking the "wrap it up" light. The part I caught was Ben Stiller done up as a Na'vi from Avatar to present Best Make-up. He looked like a cross between The Blue Man Group and the Indian from The Village People. It was awkward, but the crowd laughed because, "Hey look, he's all blue and stuff." The one part of the show that I'm kind of sorry I missed was the In Memoriam segment. With all of the movie stars that went to that big sound stage in the sky this past year, I expected it to be so long that it would qualify for a Best Mini-Series Emmy. Apparently, they left Farah Fawcett and Bea Arthur off the list, both of which are better remembered for their television work, but Bea Arthur was in one of my favorite scenes from History of the World, Part 1...
Speaking of celebrity death...ok, if I was typing this in 1988 it would be speaking of celebrity death, but the world is less one Corey today as Corey Haim was found dead of an apparent drug overdose. He's best remembered for being in Lucas and The Lost Boys, and for being mistaken for Sean Astin in The Goonies. Like most faded child stars from the 80's, he recently tried to milk the Tiger Beat teat one last time in a reality show called The Two Coreys with the slightly less emotionally scarred Corey Feldman. Now he has to wait a whole year to get on that Oscar segment, but I suppose he's got nothing but time now. Corey, we hardly knew ye...

One last thing before I sign off. I want to harness the power of my tens of readers out there to VOTE FOR ME FOR BEST BLOG IN THE CITY PAPER'S BEST OF DC 2010. If I'm going to lose another arbitrary popularity contest, I'm going to go down swinging. Sure, it's an honor just to be nominated, but I nominated myself, so I'd rather get my name in the paper. So, if you enjoy the blog even slightly, click the link and love me a little. Voting ends on March 15th, so get clickin'...

To be continued...

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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Eye Candy

Hey there 'Redheads... Peel your peepers and prepare to behold three massive doses of concentrated awesome. I recommend you take breaks in between each video. Your mind might begin to reject reality if you try to take them all in continuously. The rest of your day will look a lot less interesting by comparison. Enjoy...

Now go get some insulin.

To be continued...

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