The Pal in Palindrome
Welcome to the 111th installment of the chronicles of the Amiable Zany, 'Redheads... As you know, arbitrary milestones are the 87 octane that this blog guzzles, so toss some confetti in the air for passing the 10,000 hit mark. Seeing as how most of those hits are me checking in to see how many hits there are, this fictional milestone is extra special to me...or something. As for the rest of you, thanks for reading.
Like all of the months on '07, May is zooming by at a pretty brisk clip. The dog days of summer are living up to their name as seven seem to pass by as quickly as one. For me anyway, I find that the weeks pass quicker when I have something to look forward to. My apologies to the space-time continuum for having a big one starting Friday night, when I take the stage at the DC Improv for the first time in more than a year to open for Louis CK in front of 6 sold-out crowds. Yeah, my calendar has been a flip book. For those of you who've had the pleasure, you know that few crowds spoil you as a performer like a hot Improv crowd. Quick on the uptake and ready to laugh. I'm sifting through the finely polished turds of my sub-par material in the hopes that the shiniest nuggets make it into the set list...I'm playin' the hits this weekend. If you're there, feel free to sing along. Hopefully, I'll have some video documentation of a few sets for those of you who would like to see me tell the same jokes with a different time stamp on the footage.
Before I wrap up this installment, here's a news story that has renewed my faith...
Female shark reproduces without sex
A female hammerhead shark that gave birth without sex has put the bite into conventional wisdom about reproduction among large vertebrates, according to research published Wednesday. The discovery is the first known case of asexual reproduction in sharks but it also raises concerns about the genetic health of dwindling shark populations, they say.
...that God is a vicious eating machine. We're going to need a bigger bible. That's right, we may have witnessed the birth of Shark Jesus (yes, I resisted the urge to call him Jawsus...give me some credit). He'll be able to turn water into chum, feed 5000 with just one surfer, and...swim on dry land.

Like all of the months on '07, May is zooming by at a pretty brisk clip. The dog days of summer are living up to their name as seven seem to pass by as quickly as one. For me anyway, I find that the weeks pass quicker when I have something to look forward to. My apologies to the space-time continuum for having a big one starting Friday night, when I take the stage at the DC Improv for the first time in more than a year to open for Louis CK in front of 6 sold-out crowds. Yeah, my calendar has been a flip book. For those of you who've had the pleasure, you know that few crowds spoil you as a performer like a hot Improv crowd. Quick on the uptake and ready to laugh. I'm sifting through the finely polished turds of my sub-par material in the hopes that the shiniest nuggets make it into the set list...I'm playin' the hits this weekend. If you're there, feel free to sing along. Hopefully, I'll have some video documentation of a few sets for those of you who would like to see me tell the same jokes with a different time stamp on the footage.
Before I wrap up this installment, here's a news story that has renewed my faith...
Female shark reproduces without sex
A female hammerhead shark that gave birth without sex has put the bite into conventional wisdom about reproduction among large vertebrates, according to research published Wednesday. The discovery is the first known case of asexual reproduction in sharks but it also raises concerns about the genetic health of dwindling shark populations, they say.
...that God is a vicious eating machine. We're going to need a bigger bible. That's right, we may have witnessed the birth of Shark Jesus (yes, I resisted the urge to call him Jawsus...give me some credit). He'll be able to turn water into chum, feed 5000 with just one surfer, and...swim on dry land.

To be continued...